Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety-Jig

Well, a little over a year ago I was very excited about this blog; I had been a Weblog Awards finalist 2 years in a row, my readership was up, links were thick, and I was posting regularly. So, on the advice of someone prominent in the blogging community, I got my own domain, switched to Word Press, and 'moved into the big leagues'.

Sure. My readership level did increase, but my writing frequency, length and quality all went down. I realize now that if I ever move to the 'big time' (whatever that is) I will be dragged there. This blog is something fun, not a job. When I treated like a job, it suffered.

So, once again, here I am. I will be re-posting the things from my brief experiment I like here and adding new content.


India Yellow Pages said...

I've been waiting for this type of post. I'm opening up a blog in a month and this would be really helpful to me. Looking forward to see more tips and information here!

World Forum said...

I really enjoyed reading this post. Keep up the good work.Thank you .